«While I laughed when the director commented on the pig trying to justify in its "mind" why it was doing this, it didn't really apply to this one. And a woman's opinion isn't important anyway. If she's being rented out by husband, daddy, or pimp, it was his decision. If it's an independent whore, nobody cares. And if it's a dyke or feminist, a strong man owes it to society to break its will for the common good. Pretty dykes and feminists should all be force-fucked (they can't be raped) in public before being put down.»
«It was good to see this cunt again, but faintly disappointing the heroes allowed it to get away with complaining about drinking piss. That would have been a good point To pause, cut the words PISS SLAVE onto its cheeks, and resume the yellow discipline.»
«I like a little give and take when I suck ... I give a bite, and he takes my air»
«While I laughed when the director commented on the pig trying to justify in its "mind" why it was doing this, it didn't really apply to this one. And a woman's opinion isn't important anyway. If she's being rented out by husband, daddy, or pimp, it was his decision. If it's an independent whore, nobody cares. And if it's a dyke or feminist, a strong man owes it to society to break its will for the common good. Pretty dykes and feminists should all be force-fucked (they can't be raped) in public before being put down.»
«It was good to see this cunt again, but faintly disappointing the heroes allowed it to get away with complaining about drinking piss. That would have been a good point To pause, cut the words PISS SLAVE onto its cheeks, and resume the yellow discipline.»