«Funny little video, but the description gives the misleading and dangerous impression that a slut needs to misbehave to be humiliated in public. Couldn't be less true. Women don't have rights, so anything a husband wants to do to his wife or a pimp to his whore is fine. As for dykes, feminists, and other cunts — they all need to have their wills broken anyway. anything short of putting them down is justified, and even the latter is OK as long as it's preserved on video for male entertainment and female education.»
«Not exactly round the neighbourhood either.»
«Funny little video, but the description gives the misleading and dangerous impression that a slut needs to misbehave to be humiliated in public. Couldn't be less true. Women don't have rights, so anything a husband wants to do to his wife or a pimp to his whore is fine. As for dykes, feminists, and other cunts — they all need to have their wills broken anyway. anything short of putting them down is justified, and even the latter is OK as long as it's preserved on video for male entertainment and female education.»